Post Divorce Spring Cleaning – Change Up Your Interior Design

Mar 7, 2013 | Divorce, Minnesota Family Law

As any Minnesota divorce attorney can testify, after a divorce, clients are ready for a positive change. Often this desire for change is coupled with drab surroundings at home. You may find yourself in a new and unfamiliar place after the divorce.  Or you may have a former spouse who left you with a home full of painful memories and but missing furniture or furnishings. Doing a little “spring cleaning” and changing up the interior design of your house after a divorce is a way to take charge and reclaim your life.

Remove furnishings that have negative vibes

Any item that reminds a person of their former relationship can hold painful memories. Something as simple as a fight over the placement of the bookcase might create negative vibes in your own mind when you see that particular item. Remove anything that reminds you of a painful moment in your past, or anything you just don’t like. It’s time to start over with only the things that bring you pleasure to see surrounding you.

Open up to a new way of thinking

Perhaps the house has always had a rustic, woodsy touch; that’s what the ex-husband preferred. Or, maybe the former wife always decorated with ornate accents. Now that you are on your own, you have the luxury of starting over with any design style you like. Open up your mind; there are numerous styles to consider. Contemporary, Victorian, Eclectic: Browse through magazines and visit home shows to see all the different options.

Design the home with yourself in mind

While there may still be children or pets in the home, you no longer need to worry about what your significant other wants. It’s all about you now. Choose a design style that suits your personality. Arrange the bedroom and living room however you like. If you never use the home office but really wish you could move the treadmill out of the basement, consider transforming the office to your new gym.

Get creative and resourceful

Divorce can take a toll on your cash flow. Consider checking out Goodwill or garage sales for furniture and décor items. Try your hand at reupholstering or staining furniture. While you might not be able to swing new flooring, a new coat of paint can be affordable and make a big difference.

Divorce is never easy. Minnesota lawyers see that their divorce clients are under a lot of pressure, and know that they will greatly benefit from something positive in their lives. If you are going through a separation from your spouse, or have just finished up the messy process, perhaps a new interior look is the fresh start you need.